Source code for clowdr.driver

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This software is distributed with the MIT license:
# clowdr/
# Created by Greg Kiar on 2018-02-28.
# Email:

from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
import argparse
import os.path as op
import tempfile
import json
import sys
import os

from clowdr.controller import metadata, launcher, rerunner
from clowdr.task import TaskHandler
# from clowdr.server import shareapp, updateIndex
from clowdr.share import consolidate, portal
from clowdr import utils

[docs]def local(descriptor, invocation, provdir, backoff_time=36000, sweep=[], verbose=False, workdir=None, simg=None, rerun=None, run_id=None, volumes=None, s3=None, cluster=None, jobname=None, clusterargs=None, dev=False, groupby=None, user=False, setup=False, **kwargs): """cluster Launches a pipeline locally through the Clowdr wrappers. Parameters ---------- tool : str Path to a boutiques descriptor for the tool to be run invocation : str Path to a boutiques invocation for the tool and parameters to be run clowdrloc : str Path for storing Clowdr intermediate files and outputs dataloc : str Path for accessing input data. If local, provide the hostname and optionally a path. If on S3, provide an S3 path. cluster : str Scheduler on the cluster being used. Currently, the only supported mode is slurm. **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments. Currently supported arguments: - account : str Account for the cluster scheduler - jobname : str Base-name for the jobs as they will appear in the scheduler - backoff_time: int Time limit for wait times when resubmitting jobs to a scheduler - verbose : bool Toggle verbose output printing - dev : bool Toggle dev mode (only runs first execution in the specified set) Additionally, transfers all keyword arguments accepted by both of "controller.metadata.consolidateTask" and "task.TaskHandler" Returns ------- int The exit-code returned by the task being executed """ # TODO: scrub inputs descriptor = tool = utils.truepath(descriptor) if simg: simg = utils.truepath(simg) if verbose: print("Consolidating metadata...") dataloc = s3 if s3 else "localhost" if rerun: if not run_id: raise SystemExit("**Error: Option --rerun requires --run_id") # TODO: add option for tasks within the rerun, addition to blanket modes tasks = rerunner.getTasks(provdir, run_id, rerun) if not len(tasks): if verbose: print("No tasks to run.") return 0 else: [tasks, invocs] = metadata.consolidateTask(descriptor, invocation, provdir, dataloc, sweep=sweep, **kwargs) taskdir = op.dirname(utils.truepath(tasks[0])) try: os.mkdir(taskdir) except FileExistsError: pass os.chdir(taskdir) if setup: print(taskdir) return taskdir with open(tool) as fhandle: container = json.load(fhandle).get("container-image") if container: if verbose: print("Getting container...") outp = utils.getContainer(taskdir, container, **kwargs) if cluster: from slurmpy import Slurm jobname = jobname if jobname else "clowdr" cargs = {} if clusterargs: for opt in clusterargs.split(","): k, v = opt.split(":")[0], opt.split(":")[1:] v = ":".join(v) cargs[k] = v job = Slurm(jobname, cargs) script = "clowdr task {} -p {} --local" if workdir: script += " -w {}".format(workdir) if volumes: script += " ".join([" -v {}".format(vol) for vol in volumes]) if verbose: script += " -V" # Groups tasks into collections to be run together (default size = 1) gsize = groupby if groupby else 1 taskgroups = [tasks[i:i+gsize] for i in range(0, len(tasks), gsize)] if dev: taskgroups = [taskgroups[0]] # Just launch the first in dev mode if verbose: print("Launching tasks...") for taskgroup in taskgroups: if verbose: print("... Processing task(s): {}".format(", ".join(taskgroup))) if cluster: tmptaskgroup = " ".join(taskgroup) func = args = [script.format(tmptaskgroup, taskdir)] # Submit. If submission fails, retry with fibonnaci back-off utils.backoff(func, args, {}, backoff_time=backoff_time, **kwargs) else: runtask(taskgroup, provdir=taskdir, local=True, verbose=verbose, workdir=workdir, volumes=volumes, user=user, **kwargs) if verbose: print(taskdir) return taskdir
[docs]def cloud(descriptor, invocation, provdir, s3, cloud, credentials, **kwargs): """cloud Launches a pipeline locally at scale through Clowdr. Parameters ---------- descriptor : str Path to a boutiques descriptor for the tool to be run invocation : str Path to a boutiques invocation for the tool and parameters to be run provdir : str Path on S3 for storing Clowdr intermediate files and outputs s3 : str Path on S3 for accessing input data cloud : str Which endpoint to use for deployment credentials : str Credentials for Amazon with access to dataloc, clowdrloc, and Batch **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments (i.e. {'verbose': True}) Returns ------- int The exit-code returned by the task being executed """ # TODO: scrub inputs better descriptor = provdir = provdir.strip('/') # Create temp dir for clowdrloc tmploc = utils.truepath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) [tasks, invocs] = metadata.consolidateTask(descriptor, invocation, tmploc, s3, **kwargs) metadata.prepareForRemote(tasks, tmploc, provdir) resource = launcher.configureResource(cloud, credentials, **kwargs) tasks_remote = [task for task in, provdir) if "task-" in task] if kwargs.get("dev"): tasks_remote = [tasks_remote[0]] # Just launch the first in dev mode jids = [] for task in tasks_remote: jids += [resource.launchJob(task)] taskdir = op.dirname(utils.truepath(tasks_remote[0])) print(taskdir) return taskdir, jids
[docs]def runtask(tasklist, **kwargs): print(kwargs) for task in tasklist: handler = TaskHandler(task, **kwargs)
[docs]def share(provdir, **kwargs): """share Launches a simple web server which showcases all runs at the clowdrloc. Parameters ---------- provdir : str Path with Clowdr metdata files (returned from "local" and "deploy") **kwargs : dict Arbitrary keyword arguments (i.e. {'verbose': True}) Returns ------- None """ if provdir.startswith("s3://"): # Create temp dir for clowdrloc tmploc = utils.truepath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) utils.get(provdir, tmploc, **kwargs) tmpdir = op.join(tmploc, utils.splitS3Path(provdir)[1]) provdir = tmpdir if kwargs.get("verbose"): print("Local cache of directory: {}".format(provdir)) if op.isfile(provdir): if kwargs.get("verbose"): print("Summary file provided - no need to generate.") summary = provdir with open(summary) as fhandle: experiment_dict = json.load(fhandle) else: summary = op.join(provdir, 'clowdr-summary.json') experiment_dict = consolidate.summary(provdir, summary) customDash = portal.CreatePortal(experiment_dict) app = customDash.launch() host = kwargs["host"] if kwargs.get("host") else "" app.run_server(host=host, debug=kwargs.get("debug"))
[docs]def makeparser(): """makeparser Command-line API wrapper for Clowdr as a CLI, not Python API. For information about the command-line wrapper and arguments it accepts, please try running "clowdr --help". Parameters ---------- args: list List of all command-line arguments being passed. Returns ------- int The exit-code returned by the driver. """ # Create an outer argparser which can wrap subparsers for each function. desc = """ Scalable deployment and provenance-rich wrapper for Boutiques tools locally, on clusters, and in the cloud. For more information, go to our website: """ parser = ArgumentParser("clowdr", description=desc, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) htext = """Clowdr has several distinct modes of operation: - local: This mode allows you to develop your Clowdr execution, deploy analyses on your local system, and deploy them on clusters. - cloud: This mode allows you to deploy your Clowdr exectuion on a cloud resource. Currently, this only supports Amazon Web Services. - share: This mode launches a lightweight webserver for you to explore your executions, monitor job progress, and share your results. - task: This mode is generally only for super-users. It is used by Clowdr to launch your tasks and record provenance information from them without you needing to call this option yourself. It can be useful when debugging or re-running failed executions. """ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="mode", help=htext) # Create the subparser for local/cluster execution. desc = ("Manages local and cluster deployment. Ideal for development, " "testing, executing on local resources, or deployment on a " "computing cluster environment.") parser_loc = subparsers.add_parser("local", description=desc) parser_loc.add_argument("descriptor", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="Local path to Boutiques descriptor for the " "tool you wish to run. To learn about " "descriptors and Boutiques, go to: " "") parser_loc.add_argument("invocation", help="Local path to Boutiques invocation (or " "directory containing multiple invocations) " "for the analysis you wish to run. To learn " "about invocations and Boutiques, go to: " "") parser_loc.add_argument("provdir", help="Local directory for Clowdr provenance records" " and other captured metadata to be stored. " "This directory needs to exist prior to " "running Clowdr.") parser_loc.add_argument("--verbose", "-V", action="store_true", help="Toggles verbose output statements.") parser_loc.add_argument("--dev", "-d", action="store_true", help="Launches only the first created task. This " "is intended for development purposes.") parser_loc.add_argument("--workdir", "-w", action="store", help="Specifies the working directory to be used " "by the tasks created.") parser_loc.add_argument("--volumes", "-v", action="append", help="Specifies any volumes to be mounted to the " "container. This is usually related to the " "path of any data files as specified in your " "invocation(s).") parser_loc.add_argument("--groupby", "-g", type=int, help="If you wish to run tasks in batches, specify " "the number of tasks to group here. For " "imperfect multiples, the last group will be " "the remainder.") parser_loc.add_argument("--sweep", type=str, action="append", help="If you wish to perform a parameter sweep with" " Clowdr, you can use this flag and provide " "Boutiques parameter ID as the argument here. " "This requires: 1) the parameter exists in " "the provided invocation, and 2) that field " "contains a list of the parameter values to " "be used (if it is ordinarily a list, this " "means it must be a list of lists here). This" " option does not work with directories of " "invocations, but only single files.") parser_loc.add_argument("--setup", action="store_true", help="If you wish to generate metadata but not " "launch tasks then you can use this mode.") parser_loc.add_argument("--cluster", "-c", choices=["slurm"], help="If you wish to submit your local tasks to a " "scheduler, you must specify it here. " "Currently this only supports SLURM clusters.") parser_loc.add_argument("--clusterargs", "-a", action="store", help="This allows users to supply arguments to the " "cluster, such as specifying RAM or requesting" " a certain amount of time on CPU. These are " "provided in the form of key:value pairs, and " "separated by commas. For example: " "--clusterargs time:4:00,mem:2048,account:ABC") parser_loc.add_argument("--jobname", "-n", action="store", help="If running on a cluster, and you wish to " "specify a unique identifier to appear in the" "submitted tasks, you can specify it with " "this flag.") parser_loc.add_argument("--simg", "-s", action="store", help="If the Boutiques descriptor summarizes a " "tool wrapped in Singularity, and the image " "has already been downloaded, this option " "allows you to specify that image file.") parser_loc.add_argument("--user", "-u", action="store_true", help="If the Boutiques descriptor summarizes a " "tool wrapped in Docker, toggles propagating " "the current user within the container.") parser_loc.add_argument("--rerun", "-R", choices=["all", "failed", "incomplete"], help="Allows user to re-run jobs in a previous " "execution that either failed or didn't " "finish, etc. This requires the --run_id " "argument to also be supplied. Three choices " "are: 'all' to re-run all tasks, 'failed' to " "re-run tasks which finished with a non-zero " "exit-code, 'incomplete' to re-run tasks " "which have not yet indicated job completion." " While the descriptor and invocations will be" " adopted from the previous executions, other " "options such as clusterargs or volume can " "be set to different values, if they were the " "source or errors. Pairing the incomplete mode" " with the --dev flag allows you to walk " "through your dataset one group at a time.") parser_loc.add_argument("--run_id", action="store", help="Pairs with --rerun. This ID is the directory" " within the supplied provdir which contains " "execution you wish to relaunch. These IDs/" "directories are in the form: year-month-day_" "hour-minute-second-8digitID.") parser_loc.add_argument("--s3", action="store", help="Amazon S3 bucket and path for remote data. " "Accepted in the format: s3://{bucket}/{path}") parser_loc.add_argument("--bids", "-b", action="store_true", help="Indicates that the tool being launched is a " "BIDS app. BIDS is a data organization format" " in neuroimaging. For more information about" " this, go to") parser_loc.set_defaults(func=local) # Create the subparser for cloud execution. desc = ("Manages cloud deployment. Ideal for running jobs at scale on data " "stored in Amazon Web Services S3 buckets (or similar object " "store).") parser_cld = subparsers.add_parser("cloud", description=desc) parser_cld.add_argument("descriptor", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="Local path to Boutiques descriptor for the " "tool you wish to run. To learn about " "descriptors and Boutiques, go to: " "") parser_cld.add_argument("invocation", help="Local path to Boutiques invocation (or " "directory containing multiple invocations) " "for the analysis you wish to run. To learn " "about invocations and Boutiques, go to: " "") parser_cld.add_argument("provdir", help="Local directory for Clowdr provenance records" " and other captured metadata to be stored. " "This directory needs to exist prior to " "running Clowdr.") parser_cld.add_argument("s3", help="Amazon S3 bucket and path for remote data. " "Accepted in the format: s3://{bucket}/{path}") parser_cld.add_argument("cloud", choices=["aws"], help="Specifies which cloud endpoint you'd like to" " use. Currently, only AWS is supported.") parser_cld.add_argument("credentials", help="Your credentials file for the resource.") parser_cld.add_argument("--verbose", "-V", action="store_true", help="Toggles verbose output statements.") parser_cld.add_argument("--dev", "-d", action="store_true", help="Launches only the first created task. This " "is intended for development purposes.") parser_cld.add_argument("--region", "-r", action="store", help="The Amazon region to use for processing.") parser_cld.add_argument("--sweep", type=str, action="append", help="If you wish to perform a parameter sweep with" " Clowdr, you can use this flag and provide " "Boutiques parameter ID as the argument here. " "This requires: 1) the parameter exists in " "the provided invocation, and 2) that field " "contains a list of the parameter values to " "be used (if it is ordinarily a list, this " "means it must be a list of lists here). This" " option does not work with directories of " "invocations, but only single files.") parser_cld.add_argument("--bids", "-b", action="store_true", help="Indicates that the tool being launched is a " "BIDS app. BIDS is a data organization format" " in neuroimaging. For more information about" " this, go to") parser_cld.set_defaults(func=cloud) # Create the subparser for sharing outputs desc = ("Launches light-weight web service for exploring, managing, and " "sharing the outputs and provenance recorded from Clowdr " "executed workflows.") parser_shr = subparsers.add_parser("share") parser_shr.add_argument("provdir", help="Local or S3 directory where Clowdr provenance" "records and metadata are stored. This path " "was returned by running either clowdr cloud " "or clowdr local. This can also be a clowdr-" "generated summary file.") parser_shr.add_argument("--debug", "-d", action="store_true", help="Toggles server messages and logging. This " "is intended for development purposes.") parser_shr.add_argument("--verbose", "-V", action="store_true", help="Toggles verbose output statements.") parser_shr.set_defaults(func=share) # Create the subparser for launching tasks desc = ("Launches a list of tasks with provenance recording. This method " "is what specifically wraps tool execution, is called by other " "Clowdr modes, and can be used to re-execute or debug tasks.") parser_task = subparsers.add_parser("task") parser_task.add_argument("tasklist", nargs="+", help="One or more Clowdr-created task.json files " "summarizing the jobs to be run. These task " "files are created by one of clowdr cloud or" " clowdr local.") parser_task.add_argument("--verbose", "-V", action="store_true", help="Toggles verbose output statements.") parser_task.add_argument("--provdir", "-p", action="store", help="Local or directory where Clowdr provenance " "records and metadata will be stored. This " "is optional here because it will be stored " "by default in a temporary location and " "moved, unless this is specified.") parser_task.add_argument("--local", "-l", action="store_true", help="Flag indicator to identify whether the task" " is being launched on a cloud or local " "resource. This is important to ensure data " "is transferred off clouds before shut down.") parser_task.add_argument("--workdir", "-w", action="store", help="Specifies the working directory to be used " "by the tasks created.") parser_task.add_argument("--volumes", "-v", action="append", help="Specifies any volumes to be mounted to the " "container. This is usually related to the " "path of any data files as specified in your " "invocation(s).") parser_task.set_defaults(func=runtask) return parser
[docs]def main(args=None): parser = makeparser() # Parse arguments inps = parser.parse_args(args) if args is not None else parser.parse_args() # If no args are provided, print help if len(sys.argv) < 2 and args is None: parser.print_help() sys.exit() else: inps.func(**vars(inps)) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": main()