Source code for clowdr.controller.launcher

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This software is distributed with the MIT license:
# clowdr/controller/
# Created by Greg Kiar on 2018-02-28.
# Email:

# from clowdr.endpoint import aws, kubernetes, cbrain

from clowdr import utils

[docs]def configureResource(endpoint, auth, **kwargs): # TODO: document if endpoint == "aws": from clowdr.endpoint.AWS import AWS resource = AWS(auth) resource.setCredentials(**kwargs) resource.startSession() resource.configureIAM(**kwargs) resource.configureBatch(**kwargs) return resource elif endpoint == "kubernetes": print("Kubernetes endpoint not yet supported - coming soon!") elif endpoint == "cbrain": print("CBRAIN endpoint not yet supported - coming soon!") else: print("Endpoint not currently supported. Try: aws".format(endpoint))